– Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Kingsbury House,
London NW9 8UA
Date issue of this : April 2018

  1. By using you hereby agree that:
    1. At all times you are going to be solely responsible for making your own decisions on any investments you make.
    2. At no time now or in the future can we be said to have had done anything you do.
    3. Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for any losses you incur.
    4. We are not going to make good or return any losses you might have made.
    5. Any losses you incur are your responsibility.
    6. may post and showcase sponsored stories and press releases paid for by any third party.
    7. can and is free to advertise for any services, products and cryptocurrencies, initial coin offerings and token and coin generation events on the site.
    8. At all times it is your responsibility to perform the required due diligence on anything mentioned, showcased or covered in our articles, ads, and sponsored articles if you chose to make use of any of them.
  2. Images and Content
    1. As a responsible website operator we do try and ensure that all images used throughout and upon this website are free from copyright. If, however you do find any images that are owned by you on this website then please alert us to this fact by contacting us directly. Our contact details can be found on the contact us section of the website.
    2. The views and opinions on all articles and reviews and everything else found upon the website is those of the authors and not necessarily those of
  3. User Activity
    1. If we allow users of this website to place comments and posts on any section or articles on this website they must be related to the topic of them, and we always reserve the right to remove any posts or comments.
    2. At no time do we permit Spamming, foul or bad language, or any type of non-informative comments/posts on this site and if found they will be removed without notice.
    3. Any posts or users of this website that breaches any of the above or breached any of our general terms and conditions will have their user account closed and will be banned from using our website.
  4. Advertisements on
    1. At no time will take any responsibility regarding the advertisements that are found on the website or the consequences of using any of those third-party company services or offerings.
    2. At no time will cover any losses by any third-party advertisers.
  5. Use of Cookies
    1. When using the website you agree to the use of cookies being placed onto your computer or mobile device.
  6. Governing Law
    1. This agreement is gat all times governed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.
  7. Legal Disputes
    1. Any legal disputes must be resolved by a court of law in the United Kingdom.
  8. The Terms and Conditions will be updated continuously, and it is your responsibility to check them when using the website.

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