
Zeeve Expands Rollup Services to Boost Tezos Smart Rollup Adoption

zeeve tezos blockchain smart rollup

Zeeve recently broadened its Rollup-as-a-Service (RaaS) capabilities by incorporating support for Tezos Smart Rollups, aiming to simplify the adoption and management of Layer 2 solutions for businesses. This enhancement is designed to improve operational scalability and efficiency for companies utilizing blockchain technology.

Tezos Smart Rollups have been developed to offer decentralized applications (dApps) a combination of scalability, security, and adaptability while preserving the blockchain’s decentralized nature. Zeeve’s RaaS platform aims to simplify the deployment of these rollups with a low-code approach, enabling businesses to tailor and optimize their blockchain applications with minimal technical complexity.

The Head of BD at Trilitech, Siddharth Singhal, noted that the partnership with Zeeve enhances the Smart Rollup infrastructure of Tezos, marking a significant step towards achieving Tezos’ vision of fostering innovation and growth within the web3 space.

Dr. Ravi Chamria, the Co-founder and CEO at Zeeve, highlighted the challenges associated with launching and managing full-scale rollups. He indicated that the rapid increase in L2/L3 rollups adoption emphasizes the need for Tezos smart rollups but acknowledged the substantial time and resources developers must invest. By partnering with Tezos Smart Rollups as a RaaS infrastructure provider and node operator, Zeeve addresses these critical tasks through low-code deployment tools, comprehensive monitoring, and enterprise SLAs, making the onboarding process seamless and fostering high participation standards and accelerated success for all Tezos developers.

Zeeve’s platform includes a suite of tools for rollup management, such as a deployment platform, a management dashboard, and 24/7 monitoring, all built on a robust node infrastructure. This system complies with stringent standards like ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type 2, and GDPR, ensuring top-notch performance and security.

Enhancing Collaboration Within the Tezos Ecosystem

This strategic development is expected to promote collaboration within the Tezos ecosystem. Zeeve has announced a partnership with Etherlink, a non-custodial Layer 2 blockchain that incorporates Tezos Smart Rollups technology. As part of this collaboration, Zeeve will offer node-as-a-service capabilities to improve Etherlink’s deployment, management, and scalability solutions.

Siddharth Singhal emphasized that Etherlink’s approach to decentralized governance and low transaction costs, combined with Tezos’ robust security features, represents a significant milestone in the journey towards a more decentralized and efficient blockchain infrastructure.

Capitalizing on Growing Demand for Layer 2 Solutions

The expansion into Tezos Smart Rollups signifies a strategic initiative by Zeeve to leverage the increasing demand for Layer 2 solutions, essential for businesses looking to utilize blockchain technology without sacrificing performance or adding complexity.

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