
Decentralized Scalable Ledger Waterfall Network Unveils Desktop App for Windows and macOS

decentralized ledger waterfall app windows mac

Waterfall Network, a decentralized scalable ledger, aims to democratize blockchain participation with its new desktop app for Windows and macOS. The app simplifies the process of setting up a node on the blockchain, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Streamlined Setup Process

The desktop app features a one-click setup, allowing users to download and open the app alongside their Metamask wallet. Upon activation, a full node seamlessly synchronizes with the Waterfall Network. Users can also utilize any EVM wallet for setup, further enhancing convenience.

Exploring Opportunities on the Network

Once connected, users gain access to a myriad of features. They can receive stake amounts and rewards, monitor network status, check balances, employ external SSD drives for data storage, and view connected peers. Additionally, users can manage block producers and customize node settings to suit their preferences.

Accessibility and Scalability

Waterfall Network’s protocol, being EVM-compatible, eliminates the need for users to learn new programming languages and provides access to extensive liquidity pools. Moreover, the protocol’s utilization of Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology enables low-cost laptops and desktops to run validator nodes, ensuring virtually unlimited scalability and portability of decentralized applications (dApps).

Simplifying Blockchain Support

According to Sergii Grybniak, Waterfall’s head of research and Blue Wave CTO, supporting the Waterfall Network has never been easier. The user-friendly nature of the desktop app enables even novices to partake in blockchain benefits, expanding node participation to a broader user base, crucial for the network’s growth.

Advancements and Milestones

The launch of Waterfall’s desktop app follows the release of Testnet 8, the final testnet preceding the protocol’s mainnet launch in the second quarter of the year. Testnet 8 introduces enhanced features, including increased transaction throughput, automatically unlocked validators, and optimized storage, reaffirming Waterfall’s commitment to sustainability and resource efficiency.

Fostering Decentralized Governance

Waterfall Network distinguishes itself in the layer 1 space by effectively balancing scalability and decentralization. Leveraging a “one person one vote” system, the network empowers the decentralized governance community, ensuring inclusivity and transparency.


Waterfall Network’s desktop app represents a significant step towards democratizing blockchain participation. By simplifying node setup and enhancing accessibility, Waterfall aims to foster a more inclusive and sustainable blockchain ecosystem. As the network prepares for its mainnet launch, these advancements underscore its commitment to innovation and decentralized governance.

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