
Zillion Whales Announces Web3 Strategy Game Release

zillion whales web3 game

Zillion Whales, a renowned game developer, has shared details regarding the imminent global release of its web3 real-time strategy game, “Wild Forest,” for both PC and mobile platforms. The game, which is transitioning out of its beta phase, promises significant updates and enhancements to engage the gaming community.

Enhanced Rewards with Season 2 Play-to-Airdrop Campaign

In tandem with the global launch, Zillion Whales is initiating the second season of its play-to-airdrop campaign, offering players 2.5 times the rewards compared to the inaugural season. Players can earn rewards by completing various in-game missions, ascending the leaderboard, and participating in the WF token community round. Additionally, staking Lord NFTs for a 90-day period will qualify players for the WF airdrop, adding another layer of engagement and reward to the gaming experience.

Innovative Features for a Seamless Transition

“Wild Forest” has been in its soft launch phase since November 2023, with its first NFTs released on Ronin in February 2024. As the beta phase comes to a close, the developers have introduced a new feature called Forge. This innovation addresses the issue of obsolete game assets by allowing players to convert old beta items into Essence, a valuable resource in the game.

Forge: Converting Old Assets to New Opportunities

Forge supports the conversion of various items, including Beta Units, broken NFTs, and both off-chain and on-chain Release Units. The amount of Essence a player receives depends on their rank and level within the game, with different conversion ratios for Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary Release Units. This feature not only ensures that players can retain value from their old assets but also provides a way to acquire new items in the Forge Shop, which is set to launch in early July.

Smooth Transition and Timely Conversions

Post-launch, players will have a four-week window to convert their beta items before Release Units are burned, and Beta Units become non-usable. This strategy aims to facilitate a smooth transition for players as the game moves forward, ensuring that their progress and investments are effectively carried over into the new phase of the game.


The global launch of “Wild Forest” marks a significant milestone for Zillion Whales, bringing with it enhanced rewards, innovative features, and a commitment to a seamless player experience. The introduction of Forge and the increased rewards in the play-to-airdrop campaign are set to elevate the game’s appeal, making it a compelling addition to the web3 gaming landscape. Players and enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating the official release and the new opportunities it will bring.

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