
Web3 Infrastructure provider Zeeve to Aid MELD in Enhancing Node Operational Efficiency

MELD has revealed its collaboration with Zeeve, a widely respected provider of infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platforms for Web3. The primary objective of this strategic collaboration is to enhance the operational efficiency of MELD Nodes, thereby facilitating ease of use and accessibility for our community members.

The innovative platform developed by Zeeve facilitates the seamless onboarding process for new Node operators in the MELD ecosystem. This eliminates the requirement for intricate coding or extensive technical proficiency. By utilizing a streamlined interface, operators now have the ability to effortlessly initiate and oversee their Nodes, representing a notable progression in the democratization of Node operation within the MELD ecosystem.

The incorporation of Zeeve’s platform necessitated substantial modifications to the backend infrastructure, thereby guaranteeing a smooth onboarding process for prospective Node operators and aligning their services with our overarching ecosystem. The aforementioned action not only showcases their unwavering dedication to our partnership but also instills a sense of assurance among users regarding the robust framework underpinning this collaborative endeavor.

By harnessing the robust functionalities of Avalanche, MELD has successfully developed its blockchain on this exceptionally scalable and efficient platform. MELD has achieved the distinction of possessing the largest subnet on Avalanche in terms of node validator count, thanks to the efficient infrastructure provided by Zeeve.

Ken Olling, one of the Co-Founders of MELD, expresses his profound enthusiasm regarding the collaboration, emphasizing the pivotal role played by Zeeve in bringing MELD’s vision of streamlined and effective Node operation to fruition. The scalable services and user-friendly onboarding process offered by Zeeve have been instrumental in our attainment of the status as the largest subnet on Avalanche. Undoubtedly, this collaboration will propel us even further in our unwavering dedication to our community and the expansive Avalanche ecosystem.

Dr. Ravi Chamria, one of the Co-Founders of Zeeve, expresses his excitement about the collaboration with MELD, a non-custodial DeFi protocol for web3 finance. He emphasizes the significance of their partnership in offering assistance for essential subnet infrastructure. We commend MELD for their visionary approach in promoting financial autonomy within the DeFi ecosystem. We are thrilled to offer robust and dependable infrastructure to bolster these initiatives.

Zeeve not only streamlines the onboarding process but also provides an extensive range of monitoring and analytics features for node health. Additionally, it offers automated updates, efficient management of payout addresses, and the ability to personalize alerts according to specific preferences. The wide array of features offered greatly streamlines the operational procedures of Node, enabling operators to dedicate more attention to actively engaging in the MELD community and reducing their involvement in technical complexities.

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