
Tezos Unveils Tezos X: A Revolutionary Upgrade for Enhanced Blockchain Performance

tezos tezosx upgrade

Tezos, an open-source blockchain platform, has announced Tezos X, a comprehensive suite of technological upgrades aimed at significantly improving blockchain performance, composability, and interoperability. This ambitious two-year development plan, crafted by developer teams from Nomadic Labs, TriliTech, and Functori, proposes a transformative approach by segregating transaction execution into a distinct “canonical rollup” that supports multiple programming languages.

Enhancing Blockchain Versatility

Tezos X delineates a new structure where the main Tezos blockchain will primarily function as a foundational layer for consensus and settlement. In contrast, transaction execution will be managed by the canonical rollup. This division is expected to enable atomic transactions across smart contracts written in different programming languages, thereby enhancing the platform’s versatility and operational efficiency.

Focus on Network Scaling

Tezos developers have reiterated that scaling the network has been a primary focus since 2022. A key component of these efforts is the implementation of Smart Rollups, a scaling technology that facilitates the execution of transactions on a dedicated second layer while maintaining consensus and settlement on the layer-1 blockchain. Additionally, the roadmap outlines the introduction of a dedicated data-availability layer on the Tezos main network.

Comparisons to Ethereum’s Scaling Initiatives

Tezos’s strategy parallels Ethereum’s ongoing scaling initiatives, where transaction execution is offloaded to auxiliary Layer-2 (L2) networks. However, Tezos envisions a single rollup to manage transaction execution instead of multiple L2 networks. This design is expected to enhance scalability while preserving decentralization, with interconnected nodes playing various roles to provide a smoother user experience.

Projecting the Future

The developers have theorized that a single rollup could suffice for all but the most extreme use cases, envisioning the creation of a canonical rollup capable of handling and significantly expanding all activities on the Tezos network. The implementation of the canonical rollup is projected for 2026, marking a critical milestone in the evolution of the Tezos blockchain. This ambitious plan underscores Tezos’s commitment to continuous innovation and its determination to reclaim its position as a leading smart contract platform.

Technological Advancements and Strategic Goals

Tezos X’s development plan reflects the platform’s dedication to integrating advanced technologies and meeting the evolving demands of the blockchain ecosystem. By focusing on enhancing performance, composability, and interoperability, Tezos aims to provide a more robust and versatile blockchain infrastructure that can support a wide range of applications and use cases.

Commitment to Innovation

The introduction of Tezos X highlights the platform’s relentless pursuit of technological excellence. By adopting a unique approach to transaction execution and network scaling, Tezos aims to set new standards in the blockchain industry. The platform’s strategic vision includes not only technological upgrades but also a focus on maintaining decentralization and ensuring a seamless user experience.


Tezos X represents a significant step forward for the Tezos blockchain, promising to deliver unprecedented improvements in performance, composability, and interoperability. With a clear roadmap and a commitment to innovation, Tezos is poised to enhance its capabilities and reaffirm its status as a leading smart contract platform. The projected implementation of the canonical rollup by 2026 marks a pivotal moment in Tezos’s ongoing evolution, reflecting its dedication to pioneering advancements in the blockchain space.

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