
Supra Unveils HyperNova: The Bridgeless Cross-Chain Breakthrough

Supra, a pioneering blockchain entity renowned for its Oracle and Verifiable Random Function (VRF) services, has introduced a groundbreaking leap in cross-chain communication. The organization revealed HyperNova, an innovative bridgeless technology that facilitates direct cross-chain interaction through L1 consensus. This revolutionary methodology eliminates the need for centralized bridges, enhancing security, reliability, and scalability.

Revolutionizing Cross-Chain Communication:

Supra’s latest development, HyperNova, marks a significant advancement in the blockchain industry. Unlike conventional approaches that necessitate centralized bridges, HyperNova employs bridgeless technology, directly enhancing blockchain connections through L1 to L1 cryptographic consensus. Joshua Tobkin, CEO of Supra, emphasized that HyperNova is a game-changer that addresses the vulnerabilities associated with centralized bridges.

Understanding HyperNova’s Mechanism:

The HyperNova bridgeless solution functions through Supra’s proprietary Moonshot Consensus, a low-latency consensus algorithm. This technology enables the comprehension of cryptographic signatures within source and destination chains, facilitating secure, reliable, and scalable cross-chain communication. HyperNova’s advantages over conventional centralized bridges encompass:

Heightened Security: The elimination of centralized bridges minimizes the risk of single points of failure. Supra’s approach involves direct verification of cryptographic signatures, providing robust L1 to L1 security guarantees.

Enhanced Scalability: Bridgeless technology’s scalability surpasses that of traditional centralized bridges. Supra’s high-throughput IntraLayer can concurrently manage numerous cross-chain communication requests.

Expanded Capabilities: HyperNova empowers novel multi-chain use cases, surpassing the limitations of bilateral (one-to-one) solutions.

Diverse Applications of Bridgeless Technology:

The versatility of bridgeless technology opens doors to an array of applications, including:

Cross-Chain DeFi: HyperNova facilitates cross-chain decentralized finance (DeFi) operations, allowing asset transfers and interactions with DeFi applications across various blockchains.

Cross-Chain Gaming: Bridgeless technology enables cross-chain gaming experiences, permitting the transfer of in-game assets or non-fungible tokens (NFTs) across diverse blockchain-based games.

Cross-Chain Oracles: HyperNova’s potential extends to enabling cross-chain oracles, providing secure and dependable data feeds to DeFi applications across multiple ecosystems.

Supra’s Comprehensive Approach:

Supra is diligently constructing a low-latency interoperability infrastructure to offer Web3 capabilities absent in traditional blockchain designs. As a vertically integrated IntraLayer, Supra establishes a shared security paradigm across a spectrum of oracle services. This includes securing external data on-chain, achieving cross-chain communication through HyperNova, implementing automation, VRF, and more.

Research-Driven Development:

Supra’s journey is characterized by a commitment to academic development, transparency, and rigorous peer-review processes. After extensive research and simulations, Supra’s technical innovations are not only addressing the Oracle Dilemma but also optimizing network performance across various dimensions. Their dedication to advancing Web3’s performance and security is evident in their academic methodology, which underpins their design and product releases.


Supra’s unveiling of HyperNova marks a transformative moment in the blockchain realm. By introducing bridgeless technology, Supra has eradicated the limitations and vulnerabilities associated with centralized bridges. HyperNova’s seamless cross-chain communication, empowered by Moonshot Consensus, ensures secure, reliable, and scalable interactions, thereby propelling the industry toward a new era of connectivity and interoperability.

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