
SKT Conducts Metaverse Music Festival

SK Telecom made the announcement today that it would host the world’s inaugural ultra-realistic digital event known as the “Metaverse Music Festival” on its Metaverse network known as ifland. The performance will make use of volumetric capabilities.

It was reported that the Metaverse Music Festival would take place in the Volumetric Concert Hall on the Metaverse platform ifland beginning at 8:00 pm local time every day for one week beginning on June 27 and ending on July 3.

Even though there have been instances in which world renowned singers have conducted programs in digital environment utilizing emulators and computer animation, this is the world’s foremost real-time action-based digital concert that is being conducted on the Metaverse console and making use of volumetric image capture innovation.

SKT stated “We utilized volumetric technology during the Ifland Metaverse Music Festival. This technology concurrently collects 360-degree photographs of individuals using over 100 cameras, and then builds a three-dimensional picture based on real-time action footage. Because of this, the public is able to perceive the K-Pop singer to be as tall as a structure. It was possible for me to appreciate bizarre material like concerts.”

Furthermore, festival attendees will be able to wander about and take in the atmosphere of the Metaverse music hall, which takes the shape of a spherical, and they will also have the opportunity to freely drift in the wind on a skyboard that is gliding through the air. During this time, SKT was able to effectively display the volumetric musical demo content at MWC 2022, which garnered a lot of interest from people all around the world.

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