
Radix Unveils RadQuest: A Gamified Web3 Onboarding Revolution

radix web3 game onboarding radquest

Radix has introduced RadQuest, a mobile-optimized Web3 onboarding platform designed to simplify and enhance user engagement with Web3 and decentralized finance (DeFi). This launch marks a significant milestone in Radix’s Breakout2024 initiative, a series of strategic efforts aimed at advancing the ecosystem’s development and user adoption.

Enhancing User Onboarding with RadQuest

RadQuest is the result of a collaboration with ustwo, the renowned digital product studio behind the acclaimed mobile game Monument Valley. The platform aims to provide a streamlined, interactive onboarding experience that is both educational and engaging, suitable for users of all levels of familiarity with Web3 technology.

To address the challenge of mainstreaming Web3, RadQuest employs a gamified approach to onboarding. Users progress through a series of “quests,” which are designed to be easily understandable and rewarding. These quests incorporate on-chain assets as rewards and practical scenarios that illustrate common Web3 and DeFi interactions. The platform is designed to instill confidence in users by making Radix’s functionalities accessible via both smartphones and computers.

Tokenized Rewards and Educational Features

Upon completing various onboarding quests, users can earn tokenized rewards that contribute to collectible “RadMorph” NFTs. Additionally, users have the opportunity to accumulate over $20 in XRD tokens while exploring core features of Radix. This includes engaging with Radix’s human-readable transactions, participating in Radix Network staking, and learning to utilize decentralized applications (dApps) such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that leverage Radix’s Scrypto smart contract language. The launch of RadQuest follows the earlier release of Radix Connect for Mobile, which facilitates seamless dApp access through mobile browsers.

RadQuest’s Vision for Web3 Onboarding

The intention behind RadQuest is to create an onboarding experience that stands out in the Web3 space. The platform reflects Radix’s commitment to providing a user-friendly and intuitive environment, regardless of the user’s prior experience with Web3 technologies. The goal is not merely to increase the number of wallets or transaction volumes but to educate users on the superior Web3 experience offered by Radix. RadQuest is designed to offer a DeFi experience that is easy, intuitive, and secure from potential hacks and exploits.

Radix’s Founding and Vision

Radix was established in 2013 by blockchain innovator Dan Hughes, who envisioned a future where DeFi could overcome the limitations of scalability and user experience. Over the past decade, Hughes and his team have dedicated their efforts to refining Radix to become a leading distributed ledger technology. The upcoming technical updates within the Radix ecosystem include the introduction of a fully decentralized, seed-phrase-free user experience and decentralized multi-factor authentication, aiming to set new standards in the industry.

Future Milestones and Industry Impact

As part of the Breakout2024 initiative, Radix is preparing for a significant milestone: an attempt to set a world record for transactions per second, scheduled for August. This effort is aligned with Radix’s broader goals of enhancing scalability and performance within the blockchain space.


The launch of RadQuest represents a major advancement for Radix, positioning the platform as a pioneer in the gamified Web3 onboarding space. By offering an engaging and educational experience, RadQuest aims to facilitate broader adoption of Web3 and DeFi technologies. The collaboration with ustwo and the ongoing developments within the Radix ecosystem underscore the company’s commitment to innovation and excellence in blockchain technology. As Radix continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the DeFi landscape, its strategic initiatives are set to drive substantial growth and evolution in the industry.

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