
R3 Launches R3 Digital Markets Suite to Transform Capital Markets

Enterprise blockchain company R3 has introduced its latest product suite, R3 Digital Markets, harnessing the power of its Corda Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) specifically tailored for the capital markets. This development aligns strategically with significant capital market initiatives unfolding in Europe.

Seizing the Moment

In the United Kingdom, the launch of the Digital Securities Sandbox this month marks a pivotal move. Simultaneously, on the mainland, the European Central Bank is on the verge of initiating trials employing central bank funds for DLT settlement—a development that amplifies the timeliness of R3’s latest offering.

Corda’s Established Presence

Corda has already left its mark in various digital currency and capital markets landscapes. Notably, it serves as the foundational technology for the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), Euroclear’s Digital Financial Market Infrastructure, and Japan’s Progmat tokenization network. The Italian banking sector has also witnessed Corda in action through the ABI Spunta project, where it remains an integral part of daily interbank reconciliations for almost all Italian banks.

Introducing R3 Digital Markets

R3 Digital Markets amalgamates key elements to provide a comprehensive solution. The suite encompasses digital currency, digital assets, and interoperability. R3 has been a forerunner in the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) space and solidified its position with the acquisition of IVNO’s bank coin and settlement offering in 2021—elements seamlessly integrated into R3 Digital Currency.

Empowering Tokenization with R3 Digital Assets

Under the R3 Digital Markets umbrella, R3 Digital Assets takes center stage, presenting a tokenization suite that facilitates the entire lifecycle—from issuance and listing to trading and custody.

Interoperability at Its Core

The third component, R3 Digital Connect, is dedicated to ensuring interoperability with legacy infrastructure and other DLT technologies. Noteworthy is the creation of the interoperability Hyperledger Lab Harmonia, a collaborative effort with Adhara, the development partner of the Ethereum-based settlement network Fnality.

Leadership Reinforcement

In tandem with this groundbreaking launch, R3 has announced the appointment of Kate Karimson as Chief Commercial Officer. Bringing a wealth of experience from her roles at CME Group and ICAP, Karimson most recently served in a similar capacity at LedgerEdge—a bond initiative endorsed by R3 Founder David E. Rutter.

Strategic Vision for Capital Markets

R3’s CEO and Founder, David E. Rutter, emphasized the company’s unwavering commitment to advancing capital markets infrastructure. He stated, “R3 is laser-focused on progressing capital markets infrastructure, designing long-term solutions for a seamlessly connected financial world.”

In essence, R3’s introduction of the R3 Digital Markets suite stands as a pivotal step towards reshaping the landscape of capital markets, aligning with the evolving dynamics and initiatives in the European financial realm.

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