
Quantum Blockchain Technologies Subsidiary Reaches Settlement in Sipiem Litigation

quantum blockchain settles sipiem lawsuit

Quantum Blockchain Technologies PLC (AIM:QBT) has announced that its subsidiary, Clear Leisure 2017 Limited (CL17), has reached a preliminary settlement in the ongoing Sipiem litigation. This settlement involves an agreement with several defendants in the case, allowing CL17 to acquire a substantial portion of the claims collection rights.

Venice Court Ruling and Settlement Details

In October 2022, the Venice Court ruled in favor of CL17, ordering the defendants to pay €6.275 million plus adjustments for interest and inflation. Despite subsequent appeals and a partial freeze on collection actions, negotiations have led to a settlement that includes a cash payment of €700,000 to CL17, to be paid in two installments.

Agreement with Sipiem’s Receiver

The acquisition agreement with Sipiem’s receiver grants CL17 the right to retain 30% of any sums collected from the claims, net of legal costs amounting to a fixed €170,000. This arrangement allows CL17 to benefit directly from any recovered funds while ensuring legal costs are covered.

Efforts to Collect Remaining Judgement Value

The remaining value of the judgment that CL17 continues to pursue is approximately €5.575 million. This ongoing effort underscores the company’s commitment to securing the full amount awarded by the court.

Company Leadership’s Perspective

Francesco Gardin, executive chairman of Quantum Blockchain, expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the negotiations. He highlighted that the double negotiation with the defendants and the receiver has resulted in tangible progress in the Sipiem litigation. The agreement allows CL17 to secure immediate funds amounting to €700,000 and continue efforts to recover the balance of €5.575 million, along with any accrued interest and adjustments for inflation.

Implications of the Settlement

Significant Financial Impact

The settlement marks a critical step in resolving the Sipiem litigation, providing CL17 with immediate financial gains and the potential for further recovery. The €700,000 payment, split into two stages, offers an immediate boost to the company’s finances, while the agreement to retain 30% of future collections ensures a continued financial interest in the case’s outcome.

Strategic Benefits

By acquiring a substantial portion of the claims collection rights, CL17 strengthens its position in the litigation. This strategic move not only enhances the company’s potential recovery from the case but also mitigates the risks associated with prolonged legal battles. The fixed legal costs arrangement further ensures that a significant portion of any recovered sums will directly benefit CL17.

Ongoing Litigation Efforts

The ongoing efforts to collect the remaining €5.575 million highlight the company’s dedication to maximizing its financial recovery from the Sipiem case. This persistent pursuit reflects a broader strategy to secure and enhance shareholder value through diligent legal and financial management.

Future Prospects and Developments

Enhanced Financial Stability

The immediate cash inflow from the settlement, combined with the potential for additional recoveries, enhances CL17’s financial stability. This stability is crucial as the company navigates the complexities of blockchain technology development and other strategic initiatives.

Potential for Further Settlements

The successful negotiation in the Sipiem case may set a precedent for resolving other outstanding legal matters. This outcome could encourage more settlements, reducing litigation risks and associated costs.

Broader Implications for Quantum Blockchain Technologies

For Quantum Blockchain Technologies, the settlement is a positive development that reflects effective leadership and strategic foresight. It showcases the company’s ability to manage complex legal challenges and secure favorable outcomes, reinforcing investor confidence and supporting the company’s broader strategic goals.

In summary, the preliminary settlement in the Sipiem litigation represents a significant achievement for Quantum Blockchain Technologies and its subsidiary, CL17. The agreement provides immediate financial benefits and enhances the company’s prospects for further recoveries, contributing to its overall financial health and strategic positioning.

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