
Precision Medicine Revolution: Rymedi and Precision Genetics Join Forces

rymedi precision genetics blockchain

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Rymedi and Precision Genetics, both trailblazers in healthcare technology, have announced a strategic partnership. Their shared vision? To revolutionize health outcomes and operational efficiency through precision medicine. Let’s delve into the details of this transformative alliance.

PrecisionOp: Personalized Solutions for Safer Surgeries

Precision Genetics brings to the table its flagship offering, PrecisionOp. This personalized solution aims to mitigate adverse drug reactions and reduce reliance on post-operative opioids for surgical patients.

By tailoring drug regimens based on genetic information, PrecisionOp minimizes risks and optimizes recovery after surgery.

Rymedi’s Blockchain-Enabled Clinical Trial Platform

Rymedi’s clinical trial and registry platform plays a pivotal role in this partnership. It will support Precision Genetics’ ambitious research study: Prospective Outcomes & Molecular Implementation Support Registry (PROMISRx).

PROMISRx focuses on tracking, analyzing, and identifying predictors of medication response in surgical patients. Armed with genetic insights, clinicians can fine-tune treatment plans, enhancing patient outcomes.

David Stefanich’s Vision: Web3 and DeSci Solutions

David Stefanich, CEO and Founder of Rymedi, emphasizes the global impact of this partnership. It signifies Rymedi’s commitment to integrating Web3 and decentralized science (DeSci) solutions into clinical trial management.

The marriage of blockchain technology and precision medicine holds immense promise for the healthcare industry.

Avalanche Subnets: Rymedi’s Infrastructure Management

Rymedi efficiently manages its operations across three distinct Avalanche subnets. From deployment to scaling, their internal development team oversees the entire infrastructure.

Zeeve, a compliant BlaaS (Blockchain as a Service) platform, ensures enterprise-grade security, performance, and reliability.

In summary, Rymedi and Precision Genetics are poised to reshape healthcare paradigms. Their strategic partnership bridges cutting-edge technology with patient-centric care, ushering in an era of precision medicine for all.

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