
Metaverse Project ExoWorlds Acquired VeChain Powered NFT Marketplace VeSea

The acquisition of VeSea, a well-known NFT marketplace platform developed on VeChain, has been successfully finalized by Exoworlds, a blockchain-based metaverse project. The acquisition pertains to VeSea’s eagerly awaited NFT collections, specifically Wakings and NFTPP. Exoworlds, however, boasts its own diverse array of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The objective of this strategic maneuver is to comprehensively restructure the blockchain ecosystem, with a specific focus on the VeChain and NFT sectors. The implementation of this initiative will effectively enhance the community’s access to a wider range of opportunities for active participation within the Metaverse. Throughout this period of transition, the current team at VeSea will remain responsible for overseeing and executing the daily operations.

In accordance with the terms of the agreement, VeSea will maintain its distinct branding and operate as an autonomous entity within the ExoWorlds ecosystem. ExoWorlds intends to leverage its expertise to enhance VeSea’s Launchpad and facilitate the development of services pertaining to bridging, minting, and staking for interconnected users. VeSea is set to be seamlessly integrated into the ExoWorlds metaverse in the foreseeable future, resulting in the establishment of a unified marketplace.

ExoWorlds aims to provide avenues for token holders of $VSEA to engage in token swaps, enabling them to convert their holdings into $EXO, the native token of ExoWorlds. In the present circumstances, both VeKings and NFTPP collections will qualify to participate in staking $GCRED, alongside ExoWorlds’ native collection. The innovative play-and-earn system of ExoWorlds is set to be seamlessly integrated into the VeKings and NFTPP collections.

Upon the successful implementation of the model, individuals who possess collections such as VeKings, NFTPP, and ExoWorlds will be entitled to receive rewards. Additionally, once the model is fully operational, individuals associated with Wakings utilizing NFTPP will benefit from specific tax incentives. The aforementioned taxes are levied upon individuals who actively engage in utilizing the services but do not possess any collections of their own. The recipients will experience a decrease in their Play and Earn rewards, as a certain portion of these rewards will be allocated to the taxation pool.

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