
MARBLEX and Forge Partnership for Web3 Gaming Advancements

marblex batching web3 gaming

MARBLEX, a subsidiary of gaming giant Netmarble Corp, has announced a strategic partnership with, an NFT platform incorporating AI technology. The collaboration aims to propel the development of blockchain-based gaming and NFTs, with a particular focus on enhancing interoperability within web3 applications.

Enhanced User Experience:

The primary goal of this partnership is to enhance the interoperability of MARBLEX NFTs across various platforms, including the platform and other gaming contexts. By facilitating seamless data exchange, users will enjoy greater flexibility in utilizing their MARBLEX NFTs within different web3 environments. This integration is poised to streamline user experiences, making interactions with NFTs and blockchain gaming more intuitive and efficient.

Exclusive Events and Rewards:

To commemorate this partnership, is hosting two exclusive events with enticing rewards for participants. These events will take place concurrently from April 24 to May 1, offering participants the chance to earn points, tokens, and exclusive NFTs.

Event Details:

Lunar Animals NFT Event on Discord:

Lunar Animals NFT holders can participate in this event by verifying their ownership on’s Discord channel.

All verified Lunar Animals holders will receive rewards, including 500 $pBAT and 10 Ticket Puzzles each for 20 randomly selected winners.

Gleam Event for Token and NFT Prizes:’s Gleam page hosts this event, providing detailed instructions on participation.

Participants have the opportunity to win various prizes, including tokens and NFTs.

Rewards include $500 HVH for 100 winners, $10 MBX for 50 winners, and 1 Lunar Animals (N) for 10 winners.

Additionally, top referrers will be rewarded with 20,000 $HVH and 500 $MBX tokens as incentives for their contributions.

These events serve as a celebration of the collaboration between MARBLEX and, offering users exciting opportunities to engage with the platforms and reap rewards. Through these initiatives, both entities aim to foster community engagement and drive innovation in the evolving landscape of web3 gaming and NFT ecosystems.

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