
KALP Studio’s BUILD Initiative Aims to Revolutionize Blockchain & Web3.0 Communities

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KALP Studio, based in India, has launched a significant new initiative called BUILD, designed to enhance and unite global Blockchain and Web3.0 communities. The initiative was created with a clear focus on establishing a dynamic and collaborative hub where developers, businesses, investors, and industry thought leaders can come together to drive innovation and facilitate growth within the blockchain ecosystem. The primary objective of BUILD is to inspire stakeholders from various sectors to “Innovate, Build, and Network,” fostering an environment where collaboration leads to the creation of new technologies and solutions within the blockchain and Web3.0 space.

BUILD is seen as a game-changer in the world of blockchain and Web3.0, aiming to unlock the vast potential within the industry. By providing a platform where innovation can thrive, it aims to empower all stakeholders—whether they are developers, business leaders, or investors—to capitalize on global opportunities. The initiative will reshape how different sectors within the industry collaborate, offering new ways to share ideas, receive mentorship, network, and access cutting-edge research. The focus of BUILD is not just on creating a space for knowledge-sharing but also on enabling stakeholders to find real-world applications for blockchain technology.

Launch Event Series to Mark the Beginning of BUILD

To mark the launch of BUILD, KALP Studio is organizing a series of events, including a Virtual Hackathon and a Developers and Business Summit. These events will take place between September 18 and 25 and are being co-hosted by Maharashtra DAO in partnership with KALP Studio. The hackathon offers free registration and invites innovators, developers, and professionals with an interest in Blockchain, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, and gaming to participate in teams of one to four members. This event is expected to attract talent from around the world, allowing participants to collaborate and showcase their skills in creating new solutions for the blockchain industry.

The hackathon will conclude with an award ceremony on September 24, where winners will be recognized with a cash prize pool of INR 1,00,000, as well as certifications of excellence for completing the training program. In addition to the monetary rewards, participants will gain access to valuable opportunities, such as mentorship, networking with industry leaders, and even potential funding for their future projects. The awards ceremony will be held at the Radisson Hotel in Chandigarh, followed by a Business Summit. At the summit, CXOs from various industries will come together to explore business opportunities and network with each other, facilitating potential collaborations.

Empowering the Next Generation of Blockchain Innovators

The Founder and CEO of KALP Studio, Mrityunjaya Prajapati, emphasized that BUILD is about creating a global space where the blockchain community can unite and be empowered with the necessary tools, knowledge, and network. He explained that the initiative aims to foster an ecosystem that supports innovation, encourages collaboration, and drives growth in the blockchain and Web3.0 domains. According to him, BUILD is a community-driven platform that brings together all key stakeholders in the blockchain world to work together toward common goals. By creating an environment conducive to collaboration, BUILD hopes to empower the next generation of blockchain innovators and leaders.

Tapan Sangal, Founder of MAI Labs, further elaborated on the unique benefits of the BUILD initiative. He highlighted that MAI Labs has always been dedicated to facilitating meaningful advancements in the blockchain space, and BUILD offers a one-of-a-kind platform for global collaboration. Sangal believes that the future of blockchain technology will be shaped by community-driven efforts such as BUILD, which focuses on collective problem-solving and sustainable growth. He expressed confidence that initiatives like BUILD will play a critical role in addressing real-world challenges by encouraging diverse talents and resources to come together and innovate.

Building the Blockchain Community by the Community

With its focus on collaboration, BUILD is expected to become a foundational element in the continued growth of the blockchain and Web3.0 communities. The initiative is designed to operate as a platform that brings people together, allowing them to leverage collective knowledge and resources to drive innovation in the industry. By placing the community at the center of its efforts, BUILD seeks to cultivate an environment where stakeholders can support each other and push the boundaries of what is possible with blockchain technology.

In the coming years, BUILD aims to become a key player in the global blockchain ecosystem, providing a space where developers, businesses, and investors can converge to develop solutions that have a lasting impact on the industry. Through its various initiatives and events, BUILD will continue to foster a collaborative spirit, enabling the blockchain community to grow stronger and more innovative. As the initiative gains momentum, its potential to revolutionize how the blockchain industry operates is becoming increasingly clear.

By bridging gaps between different sectors of the blockchain community and providing tools and resources to support innovation, BUILD is set to play a pivotal role in the future of blockchain and Web3.0. The initiative’s focus on empowering the community to drive its own growth makes it a promising force in shaping the future of decentralized technologies.

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