It has been a year after the old Telegram tip-bot supporting IOTA went out of existence. Now, two developers, “Martin Neubauer” and “Huhn” have unveiled a new variant.
It can be downloaded at As Neubauer detailed in a Medium post, on lawful ground, the old community top-bot had to be discontinued. Due to this, both coders worked out an alternative solution:
“It’s hard to host something like this without a BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) license. But the answer was as simple as it is brilliant: The bot only provides the recipient’s address and makes them as easy to process as possible (using deeplinks, for example). This approach is not only BaFin- compliant, but also enables maximum decentralization because the bot does not serve as a custodial, as it is the case with most other solutions.”
For using Telegram tip-bot, a user has to simply transmit a straightforward message with command “/add + address”, in order to include the receiving address to the tip-bot.
In case the recipient address is known, users can pay a tip to the documented address using the command “/tip @username”.
The bot then responds with relevant address and a button deep linked to Trinity, which takes care of filling all details barring the amount in IOTA token that is intended to be tipped. Furthermore, a QR code is also sent to the recipient along with the private message from the bot.
Pressing the “Trinity” button will take a user to tinyURL link, representing Trinity’s deep link. Additionally, Neubauer detailed as follows:
“By the way, if you don’t trust us, with the command /source in private you receive a link to our GitHub repository!”
The Discord top-bot functions likewise. Users of Discord only have to jot down a message with the text “ladd+address” to enroll recipient address. Finally, tip can be remitted using the text message “!tip @username.”
To comply with laws, the coders has pointed out that it is only a beta variant and there is no possibility of accepting financial losses. Hence, users should only remit small quantities in IOTA using the tip-bot. Furthermore, the subsequent crucial observation shall be applicable to its usage:
“Please don’t forget to set your new address everytime you send from your wallet, due to Winternitz one time signatures!”