
India’s TRAI Cracks Down on Spam Calls with New Directives

trai spam calls crackdown with blockchain

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has intensified its efforts to combat the issue of spam calls, which have become a significant nuisance and financial threat to citizens. On August 13, TRAI announced a new directive aimed at curbing promotional calls from unregistered callers. The telecom watchdog has instructed all network providers to halt such calls and blacklist those deemed to be spam.

Strict Measures Against Unregistered Telemarketers

TRAI’s directive mandates that all telecom operators in India prevent promotional calls originating from Unregistered Telemarketers (UTMs), whether these calls are pre-recorded, computer-generated, or otherwise. The regulatory body has underscored the importance of this measure in reducing the volume of spam calls, thus providing substantial relief to consumers. The directive, signed by TRAI Secretary Atul Kumar Chaudhary, emphasizes the need for decisive action to address the problem.

The telecom regulator has outlined severe consequences for those who fail to comply with this rule. Unregistered telemarketers found misusing telecom resources will face the disconnection of their phone connection resources, a process to be overseen by the Originating Access Provider (OAP). This disconnection could last up to two years, during which these UTMs will be barred from acquiring new telecom resources from any access provider.

Adoption of Blockchain Technology

In a strategic move to enhance the efficacy of these measures, TRAI has adopted blockchain technology, also known as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This adoption is aimed at better managing the blacklisting of spam callers. According to TRAI’s statement, information about the blacklisting of a sender will be shared by the OAP with all other Access Providers via the DLT platform within 24 hours. Subsequently, all telecom resources allocated to the sender will be disconnected.

Furthermore, UTMs involved in making commercial voice calls will be required to migrate to TRAI’s blockchain platform within 30 days of the notice’s issuance. They must submit a compliance report within seven days thereafter. The initiative to launch TRAI’s blockchain platform for these purposes was first revealed in November 2023.

Regular Reporting and Compliance

To ensure strict adherence to the new directives, all access providers have been instructed to comply and submit regular updates on actions taken, reporting on the 1st and 16th of every month. This systematic approach is designed to maintain transparency and accountability among telecom operators.

Expert Insights on Blockchain Implementation

Sharat Chandra, founder of the blockchain-focused investment firm EmpowerEdge Ventures, commented on TRAI’s adoption of blockchain technology. He noted that this initiative by TRAI aims to ensure that only legitimate entities can send bulk communications, thereby protecting consumers from fraudulent activities. Chandra emphasized that the implementation of blockchain by TRAI is set to significantly improve the daily lives of citizens by fostering a safer and more transparent communication environment.

The recent measures taken by TRAI represent a robust approach to addressing the growing issue of spam calls in India. By integrating advanced technologies and imposing strict regulations, TRAI aims to create a more secure and user-friendly telecommunication landscape. The crackdown on unregistered telemarketers and the use of blockchain technology signal a significant step forward in protecting consumers and enhancing the overall quality of telecom services in the country.

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