Indian Railways has revealed plans to issue non-fungible token (NFT)-based train tickets for passengers traveling to the MahaKumbh Mela, a Hindu festival held once every 144 years. On January 13, Chaincode Consulting announced a partnership with the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) to digitize the journey for millions of pilgrims attending the significant event.
These NFTs will be minted on the Polygon blockchain and made accessible through the real-world assets (RWAs) and traceability platform, NFTtrace. The Polygon network was chosen due to its high throughput and low transaction fees, which provide scalability and environmental sustainability.
Enhancing the Pilgrim Experience with Technology
The CEO of Chaincode Consulting emphasized that by collaborating with IRCTC and utilizing the Polygon blockchain, the initiative would offer a digital-first experience while preserving the spiritual and traditional significance of MahaKumbh. This integration of blockchain technology aims to enhance engagement through NFTs, bridging the gap between modern technology and cultural heritage.
Currently, around 1.2 million train tickets are booked daily through the IRCTC platform. This NFT-based campaign is designed to attract a global audience, expanding participation beyond the usual demographic. Industry experts noted the pivotal role of public blockchains in eliminating intermediaries and highlighted Polygon’s prior use by Indian state and central governments for various initiatives.
Global Significance and Cultural Heritage
The Kumbh Mela, held every 12 years, has been recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Over the years, it has drawn notable personalities such as actor Richard Gere, filmmaker David Lynch, and the Dalai Lama. The 2025 MahaKumbh Mela is expected to see attendance from prominent figures, including Laurene Jobs, as reported by the Times of India.
Expanding NFT Use Cases in India
Indian Railways has previously explored NFT applications, including a limited-time NFT ticketing campaign during the Holi festival in March 2024. These NFTs were not merely digital tokens but also celebrated the cultural essence of cities like Lucknow and Delhi. IRCTC highlighted their dual role as digital souvenirs and practical travel documents.
The NFT tickets can be verified on the blockchain by both authorities and the public, enhancing transparency and security. Indian Railways had earlier adopted the Hyperledger blockchain to maintain ticket purchase records and implemented smart contracts to streamline the traceability process. This latest initiative reaffirms the organization’s commitment to integrating blockchain technology into traditional systems, promoting innovation while preserving India’s rich cultural legacy.