
IBM Blockchain Rolls Out App Assisting to Lead Normal Life Amid Covid-19

IBM blockchain has launched a new app to assist people across the globe to return back to earlier way of life i.e. having physical interactions, against the backdrop of Covid-19 pandemic.

In this regard, IBM Watson Health, a heathcare-centered division of tech behemoth IBM, is rolling out IBM Digital Health Pass, a blockchain powered app to aid institutions across the globe and companies as they reopening after remaining locked for several months.

IBM Watson explained that the latest app can utilize multiple data inputs such as Covid-19 test results and live temperature info to create a corroborated health status.

Using the app, individuals can verify health situation and securely carry on with their day-to-day activities such as going to public places such as sports stadium, traveling in airplanes, visiting museums, spending time at amusement parks and so on.

Eric Piscini, vice president of the blockchain unit at IBM Watson Health, stressed that IBM Digital Health Pass has been structured to back privacy as its central function.

As per the executive, the app will permit users to distribute their authentic health pass without giving out any crucial info used to create it:

“We believe that trust and transparency remain paramount when developing a platform like a digital health passport, or any solution that handles sensitive personal information, and we remain committed to this philosophy as we continue to build solutions to help support organizations during the current public health crisis.”

Notably, IBM blockchain was involved in a Covid-19 related project earlier. Earlier in 2020, IBM also rolled out IBM’s Rapid Supplier Connect network, a cloud based app that utilizes blockchain to back businesses offering coronavirus relief supplies to get in touch with buyers.

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