
Hashgraph Intends to Step-Up Mental Health Platform to Billion Users

Hashgraph has collaborated with Chopra Foundation to build a mental health platform that they believe will step up to 1 billion users in the next five years. The platform’s primary aim is to avoid suicide, even though they hope to ultimately transform it into a wider mental fitness network.

As per media release, the “Never Alone Initiative” will “serve a global community, delivering secure access to scientific research, the work of mental health and wellness experts, and pragmatic tools and practices for everyday use.”

To a query on collaboration with Deepak Chopra, who has been charged with fostering quasi-science and fraud, Harmon stated that he is fully aware of disputes encompassing Chopra’s strategies and further stated “I think that the platform that is being created can be of value.”

Harman trusts that if the effort succeeds, it will become a path breaking real-world use case for Hashgraph technology and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) as a whole. The company’s technology will be utilized to validate content, monitor its viewership and award content creators in the form of token.

Many blockchains scramble to store huge media records. Nevertheless, as per Harmon, Hashgraph’s distinct structure has made it ideal to resolve the issue.

Hashgraph’s Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) that forms the primary layer, systemizes trades as per agreed rule. Nodes, which will store data, will also be run by the Chopra Foundation. They allege that the data saved on the private network is unalterable:

“When the content gets created, it gets hashed and the hash gets submitted to the HCS, gets its timestamp and then gets streamed back to this private network that stores everything.”

Harman stated that cross reference to Steemitis appropriate and that he is impressed with the sketch of the Never Alone platform:

“I really appreciate the model that the Never Alone Initiative is bringing to market here. And that is the model of combining crowdsourcing of content, curating that content, having the community at large effectively reward the content creators through there, through their participation and usage and remuneration through a token.”

Even though Chopra’s doctrine could be raise queries, being a certified salesman, he functions as an assistant professor of marketing at Columbia University Business School. If he oversees in stepping up the platform to at least one-tenth of its said objectives, this will be a notable achievement.

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