
Google Cloud to Transform into Blockchain Infra Provider

Uladzik Kryhin /

A Google Cloud vice president named Amit Zavery told CNBC that the company intends to join a group of firms that supply back-end blockchain services. The Google Cloud Platform aspires to be the best available option for blockchain developers, Zavery apparently indicated in an employee memo.

His message to staff reads as follows: “However, although the world seems to be in the initial stages of adopting Web3, it is a market that has already shown immense promise, with several clients requesting that we strengthen our backing for Web3 and cryptographic technologies in particular.”

Zavy noted that the firm is not attempting to actively participate in the “cryptocurrency tsunami” in a chat with CNBC. On the contrary, Google is interested in offering technologies that companies may “apply and reap the benefits of the decentralized aspect of Web3 in their present businesses and enterprises.”

Despite the fact that no specifics were provided, Zavery stated that Google may install a gateway that other organizations could utilize to access blockchain information for the purpose of developing and operating nodes or distributed apps (dApps).

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