
Gaming Focused Blockchain Oasys Tweaks Logo to Reflect its Distinct Architecture

Oasys, a blockchain platform optimized for gaming, has announced the official unveiling of its new visual identity. The new design is a bold representation of the company’s pioneering role in the gaming and blockchain industries. In line with Oasys’ strategic objectives, its updated visual identity and market positioning are intended to cater to worldwide gaming communities and promote the adoption of blockchain-powered gaming among the masses.

As the market transitions into a new phase of embracing blockchain technology, prominent developers are set to launch a plethora of blockchain-based games in 2018. As frequently observed in blockchain projects, Oasys has acknowledged the necessity of reaching a wider and more diverse audience beyond the realm of cryptocurrency. Oasys positions itself as a blockchain platform dedicated to gaming by integrating elements of entertainment, engagement, and socialization into its visual branding, rather than catering to a broader range of applications.

Oasys has recently revamped its pre-existing logo, incorporating a flatter and more simplified design approach. Despite the changes, the logo still retains its multilayered structure, which aptly mirrors the distinctive architecture of the Oasys ecosystem. In a similar fashion, the text of their logo has been modified to bear resemblance to the icons found on a gaming controller. The color palette utilized in the design comprises white as the base color, with pink, blue, and yellow accents. The intention behind this choice is to evoke a sense of enthusiasm and vibrancy synonymous with the gaming world. A variant featuring neon tones is also offered with a black background to cater to the preferences of avid gamers.

The encapsulation of “Unreal Games Made Real” showcases the unique benefits and thrilling experiences that web3 technologies provide to gaming enthusiasts. In contemporary times, gamers engage in gameplay and make monetary transactions to obtain virtual rewards that hold significance solely within the game’s digital realm. The Oasys blockchain aims to facilitate the transfer of rewards between games and beyond, while also providing unparalleled speed and eliminating gas fees. The cutting-edge network and its associated games facilitate the transfer of various in-game assets, such as personas, power-ups, weaponry, and more, between games or to NFT marketplaces. The aforementioned statement unveils a diverse and extensive “multiverse” of gaming encounters that evoke feelings of admiration and amazement, bringing to life the imaginative and surreal world that gamers have long envisioned as the “Unreal” realm. The official website of Oasys showcases the brand’s aesthetic that draws inspiration from diverse gaming universes. Although this inquiry is in its early stages, a simplified edition has already been made accessible, and there are plans for future expansions and improvements in functionality.

Oasys has underscored its dedication to advancing the gaming industry’s future through its latest brand positioning, which highlights the backing of notable figures in the field. Oasys enjoys the support of prominent gaming entities such as Sega, Ubisoft, and Bandai Namco. Oasys is currently in the process of creating a worldwide benchmark for the blockchain gaming sector, which will function as a foundation for a diverse range of gaming programs.

Oasys has recently revamped its visual identity in anticipation of the upcoming IVS CRYPTO 2023 event in Kyoto, scheduled to take place from June 28-30. This event is set to coincide with the highly regarded Japan Blockchain Week, and Oasys is also hosting a special concurrent event at the historic Nijo Castle.

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