
Cosmos: Empowering Creators with Immersive Storytelling

An upcoming and groundbreaking story publishing tool is presently being developed, showcasing a remarkable roster of partners and advisors. The primary objective of Cosmos is to provide creators with the tools and resources necessary to construct captivating story worlds. By doing so, we aim to facilitate deeper engagement and establish stronger bonds between creators and their fan base through interactive and gamified encounters. By incorporating innovative technologies like blockchain and AI, the platform places a strong emphasis on delivering exceptional user experiences. This allows readers to revisit captivating stories that they are compelled to share with others. Creators have complete autonomy when it comes to the user interface, branding, and monetization of their stories, guaranteeing a customized and captivating experience for all users.

Cosmos has received official incubation under Hourglass ($WAIT) and is supported by a team of influential advisors and angel investors, such as Jet Tang and Jeff Mahoney. The advisory board is comprised of Brian D. Evans and George Tung, who together contribute to the widespread dissemination of storytelling. Throughout the course of human history, narratives have served as a fundamental element, linking diverse cultures, disseminating knowledge, and fostering the development of empathy. The inception of Cosmos can be attributed to the visionary efforts of head writer Rae Wojcik, who sought to establish a publishing platform that would not only foster a sense of community but also offer a wide range of storytelling opportunities and avenues for monetization. Seeking an alternative to conventional platforms, she collaborated with Stephen Poynter, a seasoned entrepreneur and accomplished author, to create a cutting-edge platform that transforms the dynamic between storytellers and their audience. This innovative platform offers immersive and interactive experiences, enriched with captivating narratives, thereby revolutionizing the way stories are shared and consumed.

BlockSafe is currently in the process of developing a full-stack Web3 Launchpad service. This initiative is being led by CTO Kenneth Null, who brings valuable expertise to the project. Additionally, Cosmos is fortunate to have the guidance of Felix Norden, an AI specialist and Web3 consultant. Norden’s role involves integrating AI technology into different tools within the platform. This integration aims to enhance the user experience and streamline workflows for creators. CEO Stephen Poynter has a vision where users can fully immerse themselves in the world of a personal story on Cosmos during their visit. The platform will provide creators with the option to offer both free and paid customizable tiers, enabling them to determine and set their own pricing.

The Cosmos platform will be launched featuring exclusive content provided by our esteemed flagship partners, who will be granted lifetime access to the platform. These partners are primarily associated with the Web3 sector, where they exhibit distinctive narratives focused on personalized non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This methodology cultivates a deep sense of ownership, creativity, and immersion, thereby enhancing the overall experience for every member of the community. The team’s objective is to make significant progress in the development phase by the first quarter of 2024.

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