
Corent and EverythingBlockchain Unveil Blockchain-Enabled Database as SaaS Offering on AWS Cloud

Corent Technology Inc. and EverythingBlockchain Inc. have jointly announced a significant advancement in the realm of cloud services—a blockchain-enabled, fiscally sustainable NoSQL database named BuildDB. This innovative solution is now available as a fully managed Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering on the AWS Cloud and AWS Cloud Marketplace, bolstered by the power of SaaSOps™.

Empowering Modern SaaS Providers

Corent’s groundbreaking SaaSOps™ delivers instantaneous SaaS operations and management capabilities essential for contemporary SaaS Providers to efficiently execute and oversee complex applications, including Kubernetes applications in the cloud. By leveraging AI-driven automation, SaaSOps™ not only accelerates development but also yields a substantial average savings of 90% in SaaS Operational Expenditure (OpEx)—representing the operational costs of maintaining a SaaS solution.

Rapid Transformation into SaaS

Scott Chate, Vice President of Partner and Market Development at Corent Technology, underscored the significance of this development, highlighting that the rapid transition of a modern application into a SaaS offering on a cloud marketplace is precisely the scenario that SaaSOps™, equipped with Marketizer™ capabilities, is designed to address. Chate emphasized that SaaSOps™ enables Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to seamlessly evolve into SaaS Providers without investing extensive time and resources in developing the intricate ‘as a Service’ features for their software.

Streamlined Implementation and Billing

In a testament to its efficiency, Corent worked within a demanding timeline for a prominent airline customer to establish a comprehensive SaaS implementation of BuildDB on the AWS Marketplace. This implementation includes the incorporation of flexible usage-based metering and billing, aligning with the customer’s specific requirements.

Unforeseen Capabilities and Seamless Support

Cedric Harris, Chief Solutions Architect of EverythingBlockchain, shared insights into the experience of collaborating with Corent. He acknowledged that their initial goal was swift integration with AWS Marketplace, but they were pleasantly surprised to discover that Corent’s solution transcended their expectations. The solution enabled them to introduce geo-local customer deployment options and implement usage-based metered billing with minimal adjustments to their application. Harris lauded Corent’s unwavering support throughout the project, reflecting the company’s commitment to excellence.


The joint effort of Corent Technology and EverythingBlockchain to introduce BuildDB—a blockchain-enabled NoSQL database—marks a significant leap in the realm of cloud services. This introduction as a fully managed SaaS offering on the AWS Cloud and AWS Cloud Marketplace demonstrates the potential of SaaSOps™ in reshaping the landscape of SaaS operations and management. By facilitating swift transformation, operational efficiency, and advanced capabilities, this collaboration augments the offerings available to modern SaaS Providers. As technology continues to advance, partnerships like these exemplify the collective commitment towards innovation and simplification in the digital era.

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