
Chainstack Unveils Web3 Infrastructure Platform

Chainstack, a collection of services that connects developers with Web3 infrastructure, has launched a new Web3 infrastructure solution. The solution is intended to offer developers improved performance, reliability, and flexibility. Chainstack recently launched the ‘Global Elastic Nodes’ feature to enhance its platform and provide a more comprehensive environment for Web3 developers. The load-balancing solution is designed to optimize responsiveness and reliability by directing API requests to the nearest location. This approach ensures a service availability of up to 99.5%.

The load balancer has the capability to switch between nodes or geographic locations in the event of overloading, failure, or delay. This feature enables developers to deliver more reliable user experiences. Regardless of the user’s geographical location, applications can reap the advantages of improved overall performance, reduced disconnection rates, and minimal latency. For example, the execution of transactions by a trader in Oregon, who is connected to a trading platform with a node situated in New York, may be delayed due to significant latency. The utilization of Global Elastic Nodes by the developers of the trading platform ensures prompt trading for users by directing the connection to the nearest location in Oregon or the nearest area, thereby eliminating any application latency.

This release offers developers increased flexibility in selecting between the Regional service, which allows the deployment of one or more nodes per region to cater to a specific area, and the Global service, which enables the load-balancer to automatically switch between nodes or geographical locations to support global or multi-regional operations.

The launch of Global Elastic Nodes will commence with Ethereum support, while the remaining protocols of the platform will be introduced gradually in a phased manner. Chainstack has introduced Request Units (RU) in its invoicing, which is a new optimized pricing structure that offers developers a single, unified quota. This is in conjunction with the introduction of Global Elastic Nodes. Chainstack has implemented a cost-effective invoicing method by introducing RU, which is based on Request Units instead of individual requests. This pricing structure is considered the most straightforward in the entire Web3.

Chainstack has announced its intention to become the sole provider in the market that offers all methods and API calls at a consistent fixed rate. This move is aimed at ensuring that developers enjoy invoicing transparency and predictability. According to Eugene Aseev, the founder and chief technology officer of Chainstack, the introduction of the Global Elastic Nodes is a significant advancement that provides developers with unparalleled dependability to build on Web3. Global Elastic Nodes offer developers unparalleled performance, enabling them to access a new level of decentralized application development. Our team has dedicated significant effort towards developing a state-of-the-art solution and has strategically adjusted our pricing to enable the community to fully leverage its benefits in the times ahead.

Chainstack offers a range of services, including archive, full, global, and regional services, as well as subgraphs. This enables clients to make informed decisions about their usage. The billing department’s RU service offers developers current pricing information for extra usage and integrates the quota for Archive and Full node requests, encompassing the subgraphs service.

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