
Cardano Gets Blockchain Based Hunting Metaverse from MetaShooter

The MetaShooter team is thrilled to announce the introduction of their blockchain-based hunting metaverse, the cryptocurrency community’s first of its type. As per the team, hunters who like to be part of a community may take advantage of the following features:

Players can earn token prizes for winning tournaments, completing trophy collections, and making other hunting-related purchases.

The players will get a taste of genuine hunting as they compete in tournaments, all while relishing the platform’s breathtaking graphics and VR capabilities.

Players can develop via the construction of towers, the acquisition of hunting fields, the generation of passive revenue, and the breeding of NFT dogs.

Additionally, the players may modify and update themselves via the acquisition of new hunting equipment.

Shotguns, pistols, bows, rifles, and knives are just some of the hunting equipment available to players.

On the platform, community members will encounter a variety of locations, realistic dynamics, and gorgeous aesthetics.

These are intended to provide consumers with an unforgettable hunting experience. While providing context for the hunting metaverse game, the team described their objective as follows: “One of our team’s ambitions is to build a game that crosses the crypto and non-crypto worlds. MetaShooter’s mission is to modernize the hunting sector, which is vast but also a specialized market.”

MetaShooter accomplishes this aim by combining the strengths of two multibillion-dollar markets: blockchain technology and hunting. MetaShooter established a marketplace where community members may customize guns for increased accuracy or purchase uncommon firearms namely the F44 Champion, FS Ultra Zoom Scope, Stock, or 25*39 Long Range.

Users may pick from a range of modification choices to meet their own hunting requirements. You may also sell, melt, or forge your NFTs. The crew knows the critical nature of collaboration in order to have a successful hunting expedition.

It enables members to enhance their hunting talents by providing them with NFT canines equipped with special hunting powers and instincts that will assist them in easily tracking down their prizes. The objective is to assist users in optimizing their hunting abilities and significantly increasing their success possibilities. The team offers hunters with extra tools and baits that enable them to outwit and simply take down their target animals.

Additionally, users may breed NFT dogs and resell them to interested hunters. Profits from the sale of NFT dogs can help enhance your hunting income. Hunters are not bound to a particular hunting area. Rather than that, players are free to hunt anywhere they like and explore the MetaShooter world’s beautiful sights and landscapes.

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