BIC, renowned for its dedication to nurturing youth creativity, introduces a groundbreaking initiative by unveiling its inaugural art gallery in the Metaverse in Africa. This initiative stems from BIC’s Art Master Africa competition, which encourages artistic expression using the iconic BIC ballpoint pen.
A Showcase of African Talent
The gallery will feature artworks from artists across Southern, Eastern, and West Africa throughout the year. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore these creative masterpieces crafted with the iconic BIC Cristal ballpoint pen, immersing themselves in the vibrant world of African art.
Supporting Emerging Artists
Art enthusiasts will have the chance to purchase physical versions of the exhibited artworks, providing vital support to emerging talents within the region and fostering a thriving artistic community.
BIC: A Tradition of Excellence
As a global leader in stationery, lighters, and shavers, BIC has been synonymous with simplicity and joy in everyday life for over 75 years. The company’s commitment to providing high-quality, affordable products has made it one of the most recognized brands worldwide, with its products sold in over 160 countries.
A Vision for Self-Expression
Greg Alibaux, Marketing Director for Middle East and Africa at BIC, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, emphasizing the company’s dedication to self-expression and creativity. He highlighted the significance of Art Master Africa in empowering youth and showcasing talent from the region. The decision to launch the gallery in the metaverse reflects BIC’s commitment to merging creativity with technology to amplify African talent.
Celebrating African Creativity
This year’s collection will feature artworks by talented artists such as Nosakhare Igbinosa, Hezekiah Okon, Moses Oyeleye, Dumbor Debeeh, and Victor Onyemuwa, among others. The sixth edition of Art Master Africa will commence in Africa and the Middle East, building on the success of previous competitions.
A Platform for Artistic Expression
Art Master Africa challenges participants to create captivating artworks aligned with central themes using BIC ballpoint pens. Past themes like “Celebrating Africa” and “Enchant Everyday Life” have inspired iconic artworks reflecting the richness and diversity of African culture.
Celebrating Creativity and Originality
Through initiatives like Art Master Africa, BIC celebrates the creativity and originality of African artists, providing them with a platform to showcase their talent and gain exposure. By supporting human expression through art, BIC underscores its commitment to fostering creativity and innovation in Africa and beyond.