
Ayre Group Founder Secures Controlling Stake in nChain, Paving the Way for a Trillion-Dollar Blockchain and Web3 Revolution

Calvin Ayre, the founder of Ayre Group and a dual citizen of Antigua and Canada, has recently finalized a series of agreements to obtain a controlling interest in nChain, a globally renowned leader in blockchain and Web3 technology. This groundbreaking deal is set to transform the trillion-dollar blockchain and Web3 sectors, as the internet rapidly shifts from Web2 to a decentralized, blockchain-driven Web3.

As highlighted by Forbes, nChain’s extensive patent portfolio holds significant influence over various sectors, including the $1 trillion cryptocurrency market and corporate implementations by some of the world’s largest companies. The deal, believed to be the most significant enterprise blockchain intellectual property (IP) investment to date, involves Ayre Group’s investment of up to CHF500 million (€516 million/£443 million) into nChain. This sum encompasses an equity acquisition of nChain, an IP licensing agreement for Ayre Ventures portfolio companies, and a line of credit.

nChain has already been granted nearly 800 technology patents, with over 3,000 more pending approval. This vast intellectual property library serves as the foundational building blocks for the next generation of internet products and services, including precursors to Web3, non-fungible tokens, smart contracts, and more. An expert R&D team at nChain is dedicated to translating this extensive IP library into practical applications.

Recognizing the significance of this deal, nChain was featured in the LexisNexis Innovation Momentum 2023 report, which identifies the top 100 companies driving innovative solutions and laying the IP foundations for future breakthroughs.

Calvin Ayre expressed his vision for nChain’s development and the commercial adoption of its IP library, highlighting the company’s patent portfolio’s unparalleled scope in enterprise blockchain, AI, and Web3. Despite Ayre’s strong support for the BSV Blockchain, he asserted that nChain’s patents are blockchain-agnostic and underpin the progress of numerous blockchain and Web3 projects.

Stefan Matthews, Co-Founder, and Executive Chairman of nChain, acknowledged Ayre’s steadfast advocacy for the company and praised his decision to increase his equity position in nChain. This move underscores Ayre’s confidence in nChain’s business model and the substantial value of its patent portfolio, software development, and consulting services.

Christen Ager-Hanssen, nChain’s Group CEO, emphasized the company’s bold mission to accelerate the transformation from Web2 to Web3 at an unprecedented pace. This monumental shift is expected to revolutionize multiple industries, leaving a profound impact on society. With Ayre’s visionary leadership, nChain aims to spearhead the creation of a trillion-dollar ecosystem, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

The agreement between Ayre Group and nChain is poised to shape the future of blockchain and Web3, driving innovation, and disrupting established internet giants unable to handle the rapid advancements in the decentralized landscape. As these sectors continue to evolve, nChain’s intellectual property will play a pivotal role in propelling the world toward a more decentralized, transparent, and interconnected internet, marking a turning point in technological history.

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