
Ava Protocol Revolutionizes Web3 with Mainnet Launch on Ethereum

ava mainnet launch ethereum

Ava Protocol, a project focused on Web3 infrastructure, has announced the launch of its mainnet on Ethereum as an EigenLayer Actively Validated Service (AVS) designed for smart contract automation. This development enables developers to easily incorporate Ava Protocol’s advanced transaction automation, privacy features, composability, and cost-efficiency into their decentralized applications (dapps) and projects, ensuring wide compatibility across the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) ecosystem.

Ava Protocol introduces an event-driven activation model that simplifies complex on-chain operations. It triggers autonomous “super-transactions” based on predefined conditions such as time, price, and smart contract updates. This innovative approach reduces friction for both developers and end-users by automating smart contracts with the simplicity akin to Stripe’s services. Super-transactions, which do not require custom code, allow developers to implement them effortlessly, thus lowering a significant barrier to Web3 adoption.

Unleashing New Capabilities with EigenLayer AVS

The launch of Ava Protocol as an AVS on EigenLayer brings new capabilities to developers that transcend the limitations of the EVM’s design. AVSs offer features beyond what is directly possible on Ethereum and other EVM-based chains. Ava Protocol realizes the vision of a new event-driven activation service outlined in the EigenLayer whitepaper, providing on-chain automation with strong execution guarantees for time-sensitive transactions and multi-step processes. This functionality supports scheduling future and recurring payments, stop-loss and limit orders, streaming rewards, dynamic NFT minting, and more, making it an adaptable tool for a variety of dapps.

Chris Li, the Founder of Ava Protocol, emphasized that with the support of partners and the community, they have reached a crucial milestone in their mission to deliver automated super-transactions on Ethereum. He pointed out that the mainnet launch of Ava Protocol would unlock new use cases for autonomous transactions that power smart contracts, showcasing the versatility of EigenLayer’s AVS technology while addressing critical Web3 automation challenges.

Launch and Validation

Ava Protocol is among the first 15 projects to launch an AVS, initiating its active validation with pooled security from Ethereum validators through EigenLayer’s innovative restaking mechanism. The protocol is going live with 20 EigenLayer operators sourced from the top 100 EigenLayer operators by Total Value Locked (TVL), including EigenYields, InfraSingularity, Kukis Global, Coinage, and Staking4All.

Alex from EigenYields, a leading operator running actively validated services for EigenLayer, expressed optimism about the potential of Ava Protocol’s automated super-transactions and the opportunity to provide a secure and resilient foundation for this innovative technology. He noted that this aligns with their mission to maximize value for delegators by advancing the Ethereum ecosystem.

Sam Shev, Head of Marketing at Ava Protocol, highlighted the excitement of bringing Ava Protocol’s technology to a live environment for the first time and observing what the community will build using super-transactions. He acknowledged the support from EigenLayer operators in establishing a strong foundation for Ava Protocol’s future endeavors.

Successful Testnet and Future Plans

The mainnet launch of Ava Protocol follows a successful testnet phase, which saw the participation of 10,000 wallets and generated over 1,000 automated transactions daily. Ava Protocol plans to publish a detailed roadmap of AP token incentives for initial operators soon.


Ava Protocol’s mainnet launch on Ethereum as an EigenLayer AVS marks a significant advancement in the Web3 landscape. By providing seamless smart contract automation, enhanced security, and innovative transaction capabilities, Ava Protocol is set to transform the way developers build and deploy dapps. The support from EigenLayer operators and the broader community ensures a robust foundation for this pioneering technology, promising exciting developments and new use cases in the decentralized ecosystem.

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