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CoinTrust Team

Kate LeamanChief Editor

Kate is market industry expert who has spent majority of her life on wall street, she has thought to have a knack at picking the right stocks to invest into. With the rise in cryptocurrencies she has is now able to use her expertise to a new market and give us insights on what we can expect in the present and the future.

David is a forex trader and writer who has spent the last few years giving his opinion and spreading news about oncoming markets and trading tips. Besides from being a trader he is also a lifelong Everton fan and enjoys spending free time watching his beloved team in the premier league.

Doug is an expert in the online casino industry and has written extensively about various matters pertaining to online gambling, cryptocurrencies, its culture, quirks and legalities. In his spare time, he enjoys reading biographies, watching documentaries and spending time with friends and family.

Kelly is our in house crytpto researcher, delving into the stories which matter from blockchains being used in the real world to new ico coming out.

Petar MarkoskiContributor

Petar has spent the last few years following rise of cyptocurrencies, lending insights to the potential icos coming to market as well as how current currencies are operating. Petar background is in the finance sector and is a banker by trader so money is always on the mind.

Joseph YoungContributor

Joseph is a finance and cryptocurrency analyst. He is able to offer unique insights in todays market and future events

Tim GlocksContributor

Tim is a retired professor in economics, this background has enabled him to provide a insight into the cryptomarket. His indepth analysis as well as news on legislations around the world will help you to understand what the state of play is.

Carolyn DawsonContributor

Carolyn Dawson is our resident blockchain expert. With a background technology she is confident she can bring to you the best examples of blockchains which could change the world we live in today

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